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[Podcast] The FloCast Ep. 24 w/ Mega Ran

This was a special one. Mega Ran, arguably one of the most successful rappers to come out of Arizona, joined us and was a fun conversation! He has toured worldwide, and continues to. His last album, RNDM, was considered for a Grammy and his Wikipedia page has seven different sections!!

First, let me tell you that he spits a dope unreleased, exclusive verse!!! ***Exclusive unreleased verse @ 1:45:26***

And he knows a little something about a lot of things. We talk how wrestlers, especially independent ones are like independent rappers, artists using their personal Facebook page to promote their music, the importance of artists being creative with all content they put out, and the meaning of his song Infinite Lives.

Finally, P_dot_D unveils his, sure to be controversial, AZ Rapper Tier List. It's a draft list he's working on to rank AZ rappers based on their current standing in the scene based on numbers, social media presence, and his personal tastes.

Featuring tracks:

Infinite Lives Mega Ran in Language Arts GO Save the World (1-Up Saxy Mix) Push ft. Holly Fulton The East Coast Pain In My Heart Wednesday Dream Master Voices

Find Mega Ran at:

@MegaRan (Twitter & Facebook) @Randombeats (IG)

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