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Best Shows this Weekend 3/17-3/20

Featured show: King of the Dot - No Excuses 3 | March 18 | Jabbar's Hookah Lounge

Battling is hip hop. It's one of the purest form of a culture that sough positive forms of competition not involving violence.

King of the Dot, out of Canada, created a platform for lyrical sparring that is pretty much unmatched. If you want to be a battle rapper, get on King of the Dots radar. Luckily for AZ two dope battle rappers reside here. As a result, King of the Dot is bringing its show here to Phoenix. This weekend Tucson's YNot and Phoenix's Derez will be co-headlining the King of the Dot's No Excuses 3. KOTD founder Organik will be in the building for what is sure to be a dope competition. It is our featured event this week....check it out tomorrow at Jabbars Hookah Lounge. It's schedule to begin at 3pm.

This weekend's shows

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