#SupportLocalHipHop Shows this Weekend
Other than this thing called the Final Four and the massive free concert associated with the tournament, there's not much going on in Phoenix. In Tucson, there will be options all weekend long. The show we recommend going to: the Rap Van Season 1 Recap and Fundraiser.
First supporting the Rap Van is a no-brained. It's the literally one of the coolest, most unique ways to catch a show in AZ right now. Secondly, this is a typical show. Rappers Roch, IllSlur, YNot, Lando Chill, Runt, Carlos Rivera, Donny Kai, Jaca Zulu, Ricky Pablo, and Snick Ickson. will take turns spitting over the finest instrumentals to come out of Tucson.
See the flyer for this show and others.